We are happy to announce the completion of the planting in Zdiby!

We would like to take this opportunity to provide a brief summary. We have received more than 18 million CZK out of the total distribution of 48.9 million CZK provided by the Norway Grants. Our efforts were rewarded by the support of two out of only five projects in the whole country! Both projects aim not only to beautify our municipality, but especially in the longer term to contribute positively to the absorption of pollutants from the air.

Press release, Zdiby, 29.3. 2024

Over the past 11 months, Zdibi has managed to plant over 15,000 trees and shrubs in 21 selected locations in the municipality. These measures to improve air quality were based on extensive air quality measurements, which identified traffic as the main sources of pollution, as well as local heating sites. Therefore, in addition to planting greenery, the municipality also focused on detailed air quality measurements at the most affected locations.

Press release, Zdiby, 20.3. 2024

On March 20, 2024, the final conference of the project "The impact of traffic on air pollution within the TEN-T route Ústí nad Labem - Mělník - Zdiby", abbreviated as TENT Air supported by the Norwegian funds, will take place at the Masaryk Cultural House in Mělník from 10 am to 1:30 pm.

Press release, Zdiby, 28.2. 2024

Zdiby municipality officials are aware that air quality defines the value of the place where they live. They are making purposeful use of financial incentives with a focus on improving clean air. That is why they are also involved in and benefit from the Norwegian Funds programmes through the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic.

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