Surroundings of the municipal office

view of bed Z22 - low cultivar of bird's beak

We decided to add beautiful hydrangea bushes to the tree floor and perennial bed near our municipal office.


We line the walkway across from the office with walnutbush and hydrangeas. We choose beautiful flowering roses for the exit from Fireman Street. The sycamore tree, which grows to a height of 40-60 cm and forms a compact shrub shape, complements the wall space in the direction of the planting. Its rich green leaves are a sign of its healthy growth and great appearance. In June and July, the light pink inflorescences bloom. What’s more, the petals turn from yellow to red before dropping in autumn, adding a contrasting and striking element to the surrounding environment. Evergreen bird’s-foot trefoil and rockrose shrubs will also beautify the area during the winter months.

Spiraea japonica
Cotoneaster dammeri



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