Press release, Zdiby, 28.2. 2024

Zdiby municipality officials are aware that air quality defines the value of the place where they live. They are making purposeful use of financial incentives with a focus on improving clean air. That is why they are also involved in and benefit from the Norwegian Funds programmes through the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic. In Zdiby, these projects are specifically:


– „THE IMPACT OF TRANSPORTATION ON AIR POLLUTION WITHIN THE TEN-T ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM – MĚLNÍK – ZDIBY ROUTE„, abbreviated as TENT AIR. This project focuses on the monitoring of traffic and its impact on air quality, providing concrete proposals for measures to improve air cleanliness, which will be included in the city’s action plan.


– „CORRIDOR D8, LOCAL AIR QUALITY MEASUREMENT WITH A FOCUS ON DOMESTIC HEATING ISSUES, CENTRAL REGION„, focuses on air quality monitoring with an emphasis on problems related to domestic heating, specifically on so-called local heating sites. This project will allow the municipality to better monitor the areas most affected by stack emissions and respond in an informed manner.


– „ZDIBY PROTECTIVE GREEN SPACE SYSTEM PHASE II – CENTRE SITE – RESIDENTIAL VEGETATION ELEMENTS„. Focuses on improving air quality through significant enhancement of green infrastructure in the central part of the village, particularly along the spine road.


– „ZDIBY PROTECTIVE GREEN SPACE SYSTEM PHASE II – OUTER RING SITE – LANDSCAPE VEGETATION ELEMENTS“. This project, in partnership with the town of Klecany, focuses on improving air quality by significantly strengthening the green infrastructure in the village’s outer ring road.


We believe that these projects will bring cleaner air and a more sustainable environment to the residents of Zdiby in the long term. Zdiby’s proactive approach makes it an inspiring example in protecting air quality and creating a better environment for its residents.


For further information contact the project coordinator Mgr. Jana Panáčková Feixová,, tel: 775 025 678

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