Conference - Invitation

Our project for large-scale planting of greenery in Mělník is a follow-up to the successful initiative entitled "The impact of transport on air pollution along the TEN-T Ústí nad Labem - Mělník - Zdiby route" (TENT AIR). This activity was aimed at monitoring air quality along the route of the Trans-European Transport Network Eastern and East Mediterranean Corridor. TENT AIR was also financed by the Norwegian Funds and the Czech Environmental Fund. As TENT AIR is coming to an end, we would like to invite all interested parties to the final conference, which will take place on 20 March 2024 from 10 am to 2 pm at the Masaryk Cultural House in Mělník. A press conference on the results of the project will also take place on 20.3.2024 from 2 to 3 pm there. Our Norwegian partners from Norsk Energi will physically attend the conference and present the Norwegian model from the data measured in the project, which shows the sources of air pollution in the measured locations.

We are protecting the newly planted areas.

As part of the planting already underway, we are continuing the project with additional plantings in other areas. At the same time, protective fences are being installed in the form of wooden prisms tied with flax rope in the new and already planted areas. This protects the new plantings.

We are planting and we are not alone 😊.

On 4 October, we welcomed little helpers - pupils from the local primary school 3.A and 3.B - in the garden of our community centre. During this event, we talked about the importance of green space not only for people, but also for the whole nature. We discussed the different types of plants that we plant and also the correct way to plant trees and shrubs.

Day for Zdiby

Since both green infrastructure projects are closely related to the Norwegian Funds initiative and in our case the "TENT AIR" project in which Zdiby is involved, we did not miss the opportunity to invite the citizens of Zdiby to a meeting held on 18.5.2023 focused on the surrounding landscape, clean air and further development of the village. The mayor, Eva Slavíková, together with landscape architect Markéta Pešičková, were pleased to present the planting plans that they plan to implement during the summer of 2023.

System of protective greenery Zdib II. STAGE - site centre - RESIDENTIAL vegetation features

The preparation of the green planting projects was a challenge for the whole team, both in terms of time and content. It was therefore with real pride that we presented both of these projects during the opening ceremony of the community centre on 16 May 2023. It was evident that the interest in the landscape and the environment is firmly rooted in the hearts of the residents of Zdibi, and we were very pleased with this fact.

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